
Sondaggio Circle U. sull’apprendimento delle lingue

Circle U., la rete di atenei di cui l’Università di Pisa fa parte insieme ad altre 8 università europee – Aarhus, Belgrado, Berlino von Humboldt, Louvain, King’s College, Paris Cité, Oslo, Vienna – ha lanciato un sondaggio sull’apprendimento delle lingue con scadenza 20 febbraio 2023.

Ne riportiamo le informazioni:

Circle U. launches its language learning survey

What learning opportunities would you like to find at your university? Why do you want to learn other languages?
Circle U. invites students to contribute to improving education by expressing their opinions on learning foreign languages.

The results of the survey will enable us to influence public policy across Europe and promote language learning at our universities. A first report with the results will be shared during the summer of 2023.

Target audience: students of all levels and disciplines from the 9 Circle U. universities.

Deadline to respond to the survey: 20 February 2023.